NaNo 2019 Is Almost Here!

The last few hours tick down to NaNo. I’m not a night owl, but it’s the one night of the year when I stay up…Halloween into NaNoWriMo.


“Write like mad, my darling.” Image by Free-Photos, via Pixabay

We have a few traditions that we have each year on this day.

  1. We pop open a bottle of sparkling juice and drink up at midnight (not exactly Intermittent Fasting friendly, but who cares? It’s a celebration!)
  2. We decorate the house for Christmas! (To avoid losing time in November for writing, and because, well, we LOVE CHRISTMAS. Hate us, if you must.)

This year, we have the best place yet since being married. We each have our own offices. We have a fireplace. We have a full-sized fridge – instead of some weak apartment sized fridge. We have enough Christmas trees that I can’t find a place for all of them – with 1290 square feet!

And this year, I’ve also committed to something insane.

Yes. I’m insane.

But what fun is life if you’re at least a little bit insane?

Anybody else commit to such insanity this year? What kinda crazy are you going for?

Let’s do this thing together.


Tips for Winning NaNoWriMo

It’s almost here! NaNoWriMo is just 5 days away. Oh, that glorious, wondrous time when we put aside all reason and write a whole novel in 30 days or less.

If you’ve never written for NaNo before – or never won – you probably need some help getting things going.

Here are a few things I do each year to get myself ready, to keep myself motivated, and to get that winner’s badge.


(Image by Voltamax, via Pixabay.)

Plan Ahead

Think through your responsibilities and duties in these last few days before NaNo. What do you need to have complete before the month madness begins? What do you need to do ahead of time to free up as much writing time as possible?

Some things we do around here to prepare include:

  • Meal planning for the month by October 30
  • Complete shopping list by October 30
  • Setting work schedule ahead of time as much as possible
  • Create a specific workout schedule, complete with strength & cardio training – but not so much that we’re in the gym more than we’re writing
  • Announce the novels we’re working on at least 2 days before midnight on November 1 hits
  • Cleaning, organizing, et cetera around the home to help eliminate distractions. This year, we just moved, so we have a lot of chaos still. So, my goal is getting all the furniture in place, et cetera, so that everything can be fully organized beforehand
  • Buy up all the tea and candles I need for a cozy writing space before October 30

Plot, Outline, and Plan Your Novel

Not everyone is a planner – pantsers are pretty frequent in this madness, as well – but having some kind of plan ahead of time can help you get your butt in the chair for writing, and, more importantly, keep it there. If you have at least a vague idea of what you’re planning to write, it can help you get started and keep you going.

Celebrate Midnight November 1 With a Party or Write-In

A quick, easy way to get into the swing of things is by attending or planning a celebration of NaNoWriMo. Invite fellow writers over, find a write-in somewhere, or Skype with other writers. Set up some light decorations, brew your favorite tea or coffee, buy some yummy treats, and get that keyboard going the second the clock ticks over to 12:00.


(Image by KTPhotography, via Pixabay)

Find Write-Ins to Attend Multiple Times Throughout the Month

It’s amazing how having people around can keep you writing. Attending a write-in is one of the best ways to surround yourself with other writers in the process. A friend of mine rarely writes anything during NaNo – despite participating for something like 15 years now – unless he attends write-ins. They really do make that big of a difference.


(Image by StartUpStockPhotos, via Pixabay)

Announce Your Intentions Publicly and Talk About Your Progress

Telling your friends and family via social media can help keep you writing all month long. It’s sort of like losing weight in that way. If people know you’re working towards a goal, it can be motivational because you don’t want to publicly “fail.” Plus that encouragement you get from folks cheering you on is always helpful.

It’s That Time of Year Again: NaNoWriMo Count Down!

So, today my husband asked me what I’m writing for NaNo this year. I stared at my phone blankly for a few moments and texted back that I have absolutely no idea. I have options – lots of options – and I have 15 days to decide. That’s plenty of time, right?

round gold colored pocket watch

Photo by David Bartus on

I could use outlines from previous options that I have yet to write – this would be easy, as most of my work is already done for me, and, well, I’m freaking busy with writing something like 200,000 words each month for my job.

I could go off on a totally different direction and try another genre I’ve never written before. I do have some ideas for fantasy novels and some historical fiction in realms I’ve never before attempted.

I could do a major overhaul of a previous project that needs to be gutted and re-created. The rough draft was written nearly twenty years ago and really needs to be rewritten.

There are so many options – going through my files will be like a treasure hunt when I get back from this trip.

But what are you going to write this year? How will you decide? I’d love to hear from anybody and everybody! Maybe we can inspire each other.