NaNo 2019 Is Almost Here!

The last few hours tick down to NaNo. I’m not a night owl, but it’s the one night of the year when I stay up…Halloween into NaNoWriMo.


“Write like mad, my darling.” Image by Free-Photos, via Pixabay

We have a few traditions that we have each year on this day.

  1. We pop open a bottle of sparkling juice and drink up at midnight (not exactly Intermittent Fasting friendly, but who cares? It’s a celebration!)
  2. We decorate the house for Christmas! (To avoid losing time in November for writing, and because, well, we LOVE CHRISTMAS. Hate us, if you must.)

This year, we have the best place yet since being married. We each have our own offices. We have a fireplace. We have a full-sized fridge – instead of some weak apartment sized fridge. We have enough Christmas trees that I can’t find a place for all of them – with 1290 square feet!

And this year, I’ve also committed to something insane.

Yes. I’m insane.

But what fun is life if you’re at least a little bit insane?

Anybody else commit to such insanity this year? What kinda crazy are you going for?

Let’s do this thing together.